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Ring Slings and Pouches

Ring slings are knotless woven wraps, using 2 rings to adjust the size (same principle as the double-ringed-belt).
The fabric can be any woven fabric but again the German style woven tend to be the most comfortable ones.
The rings are usually aluminium rings but can also be Nylon ones. Make sure to get purpose-made rings. The rings come in 3 different sizes (S, M or L) and most ring slings use either M or L. The bigger the ring the easier it is to adjust the wrap. The smaller the ring, the tighter it will keep the tension.
There are two main families of ring slings: the gathered shoulder and the pleated shoulder. The gathered shoulder has the wrap sewn simply over the rings. The upside is that it can be adjusted to any shape and size, the downside is that you have to spread it each time the way that works for you. The pleated shoulder comes in a variety of design, which can feel overwhelming. The wrap is pleated following a pattern (brand-specific). The upside is that it looks neater and, providing you have found the right one for you, it will cup your shoulder nicely and quickly so you won't have to worry about positioning so much. The downside is that you have to find the right one for you and it's very much a game of trial and error.

Pouches are knotless wraps which are sewn into a "cylinder" once folded they look like a rectangle with a curve at one end.

The fabric can be any fabric but needs to be sturdy enough to be worn as a single layer over your baby's back. They are sized so you need to get the right one for you and depending on the clothes you are wearing, one might fit better than another.

The upside is that it is very quick to put on. The downside is that you need to find the right one for your morphology.

Check our video section to get an idea on how to use those!

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